Items where Division is "S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2013
H, Ramli (2013) Pembelajaran dalam Perspektif Metakognisi. Naskah Aceh & Ar-Raniry Press, Banda Aceh. ISBN 978-602-7837-65-2
Khairiah Syahabuddin, 2030106901 (2013) Students' Behaviour towards Learning English as a Foreign Language by Gender and Bilingual/Monolingual Learning: An Acehnese case in Banda Aceh-Indonesia. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Annual Conference Proceeding.
Misrun Nizar, 230716905 (2013) Increasing Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Top-Down Processing Strategy. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
Safrul, Muluk (2013) Women and Leadership in Higher Education in Indonesia: A study of State Islamic University in Aceh Province. Naskah Aceh & Ar-Raniry Press, Banda Aceh. ISBN 978-602-7837-50-8
Safrul Muluk, 2001027302 (2013) Instructional Leadership: Practices of The Excellence School Principals in Aceh. NASA. ISBN 978-602-7837-57-7