Items where Subject is "410 Linguistics (Linguistik, Bahasa Indonesia)"

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Number of items at this level: 37.


Achyar Munawar, 150203151 (2021) An Analysis of Transitivity in the Helsinki MoU between the Indonesian Government and Free-Aceh Movement. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry.

Amalia, 150203089 (2020) The Sources of Student’s Ideas in Writing Descriptive Text at SMAN 1 Meulaboh. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Annisa Indah Sari, 160203104 (2020) An Analysis of English Textbook "When English Rings a Bell". Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.


Balqis Nadya Idris, 180203010 (2023) The Efficacy of Guiding Questions in Writing Procedure Text at Senior High School: Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.


Darhayati Chaniago, 200209137 (2024) Penggunaan Media Buku Cerita Bergambar dengan Model Team Games Tournament untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Minat Membaca Siswa Kelas IV UPTD SPF SDN Pandan Sari Aceh Singkil. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Dian Islami, 231324375 (2018) An Analysis Of The Illocutionary Acts Used In Junior High School Students’ Textbook “When English Rings The Bell” Grade VIII. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry.

Diba Nurfath, 231324409 (2019) The Effect of Formal, Non-formal, and Informal Language Learning Environment towards English Skill Achievement on Students’ Standardized Tests (A Comparative Study of Acehnese Alumni’s Perception of Kampung Inggris Pare). The Effect of Formal, Non-formal, and Informal Language Learning Environment towards English Skill Achievement on Students’ Standardized Tests (A Comparative Study of Acehnese Alumni’s Perception of Kampung Inggris Pare) (160).


Haya Zafirah, 150203030 (2019) An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts in Nouman Ali Khan's Speeches. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry.

Hayatun Mutmainnah, 170209001 (2023) Penerapan Strategi Learning Start with a Question (LSQ) Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Peserta Didik Kelas IV Min 26 Aceh Besar. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry.


Jarjani Usman, 2012087205 (2022) Eliciting Metaphors From Narratives Of Collaboration Experiences With Teachers In Writing A Textbook. Studies in English Language and Education, 9 (2): 24. pp. 870-885. ISSN Print ISSN: 2355-2794, Online ISSN: 2461-0275

Jarjani Usman, 2012087205 (2022) Through The Metaphorical Lens: Understanding Othering Of Language Lecturers In Indonesian Higher Education. English Review: Journal of English Education, 10 (1): 41. pp. 761-770. ISSN ISSN: 2541-3643

Jarjani Usman, 2012087205 (2020) Turnitin: Teungku from Different Worlds in Aceh: An Analysis of the Trajectory of Their Hybrid Identity Construction. Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Jarjani Usman, 2012087205 and Yusri Yusuf, 0025085804 (2022) Metaphors in the Acehnese Expressions upon Hearing the Death of a Muslim. In: The Acehnese Language and Society. I ed. Syiah Kuala University Press, Banda Aceh, pp. 175-190. ISBN 978-623-264-687-2

Jarjani Usman, 2012087205 (2020) Analyzing the Humorous Communicative Interactions during the Wartimes in Aceh. Studies in English Language and Education, 7 (2). pp. 607-621. ISSN Print ISSN: 2355-2794, Online ISSN: 2461-0275


Khairiatul Nurwanti, 200210007 (2024) Analisis Penggunaan Bahasa Daerah Dalam Pembelajaran Pada Anak Usia 5-6 di TK Dharma Wanita Labuhan Haji Barat. Analisis Penggunaan Bahasa Daerah Dalam Pembelajaran Pada Anak Usia 5-6 di TK Dharma Wanita Labuhan Haji Barat, 5 (2): 2. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2716-0572


Lisliana, 160210085 (2023) Pengembangan APE Emoji Untuk Meningkatkan Perkembangan Bahasa Ekspresif Anak. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry.


Maya Angrayni, 140203110 (2019) Students' Difficulties In Using Affixation (A Study In English Education Department Of UIN Ar-Raniry). Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Megawati Munte, 200502028 (2024) Al-Af’ālu Al-Kalāmiyyah At-Ta’biriyyah Fĩ Qişatin “Juha Ad-Dahiku Al-Mudhiku” Al-Mușawarah Li ‘Afaf ‘Abdul Bārī (Dirasah tadawuliyyah). Other thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Muhammad Imam An-Nasa'i, 160203017 (2020) An Analysis of Figurative Languages in the English Translation of Al-Qur'an by M.A.S Abdel Haleem. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry.


Nailul Kharisma, Nailul (2020) Strategies The Nursing Students Employed In Dealing With The Texts In English. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Nanda Shalihan, 150203125 (2019) The Analysis of Persuasion in Nouman Khan’s Speeches. Skripsi thesis, Uin Ar-Raniry.

Nazrah Lutfia Putri, 200210053 (2024) Penerapan Metode Show And Tell Untuk Mengembangkan Perkembangan Bahasa Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Cut Nyakti Blanggeulinggang Aceh Selatan. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Noviani, 150203182 (2020) An Analysis of Euphemism and Dysphemism on Jakarta Post Newspaper. Skripsi thesis, UIN AR-RANIRY.

Nur Afni, 160502003 (2020) Istikhdāmu Al-Kalimātu Al-'Arabiyyah Fī Al-Kalāmi Al-Yaumī Ladā A'dlāi "LDK Ar-Risalah" Bi Jāmi'ati Ar-Raniry Al-Islāmiyyati Al-Hukūmiyyati (Dirāsatu Dilāliyati Wa Lugawiyati Ijtimā'īyyati). Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Nur Hikmah Warisah, 160502079 (2020) Al-Istibdᾱdiyyah Asy-Syakhṣiyyah Ar-Raīsiyyah Fī Riwᾱyah “ Mautu Ma’ᾱlī Al-WazīR Sᾱ-biqan” Li Nawᾱl El- Sa’adawi. Skripsi thesis, Uin Ar-raniry.

Nurul Husna, Husna (2020) Exploring The Assessment In Speaking Classroom. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Nurul Sakdiah, 170203021 (2021) The Impact of Following Instagram Accounts on the Users’ Language Attitude. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry.


Putri Indahna Irda, 231324145 (2018) The Rhetoric of L’Oreal Société Anonyme Annual Report. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.


Rahmi Auli, 150203033 (2020) An Analysis of Word Formation in English Translation of Holy Qur’an by Maulawi Sher ‘Ali. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Raudhatul Jannah, 140203085 (2019) Teachers' Perception on the Use of English Textbook in Teaching English (A Descriptive Study of EFL Teachers at MAN 3 Kota Banda Aceh). Skripsi thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry.

Rifani Nasron, 160203047 (2024) The Difference of Language Learning Strategies Between Male and Female. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Rina Hidayati, 170203078 (2023) EFL Students’ Use of Google Scholar Incompleting Their BA Theses. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Rini Amanda Zahra, 180203039 (2022) The Students Perceived Opinions on Using Voice Diary Strategy in Developing Speaking Skills. Masters thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry.


Saiful Akmal, 2001038202 (2017) The Main Character in Khaled Hosseini’s Novel The Kite Runner: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Literary Work from the Psychological Standpoint. In: AICS-Social Sciences,, 18-20 October 2017, Universitas Syiah Kuala.

Saiful Akmal, 2001038202 (2020) Peer Review Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi Sinta 2, Sentence Pattern Contrastive Analysis of English and Sigulai Language. Faculty of Language and Literature, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makasar.

Srifika Wahyuni, 140203082 (2020) The Impact of Reward and Punishment Toward Students' Motivation in Learning English. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.


Zulkhairi, 2004017902 (2024) Turnitin Artikel: The Acehnese Language Use in South Aceh Regency: A Sociolinguistic Analysis. Buletin Al Turas, 30 (1): 10. pp. 131-144. ISSN 2579-5848

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