Items where Subject is "810 American Literature in English (Sastra Amerika dalam bahasa Inggris)"
- Dewey Decimal Classification (7)
- 800 Literature (Sastra) (7)
- 810 American Literature in English (Sastra Amerika dalam bahasa Inggris) (7)
- 800 Literature (Sastra) (7)
Amalia Adiba, 170203089 (2021) Student’s Perception On The Use Of Whatsapp Application For Online Learning. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry.
Azzatul Mazrida, 140203245 (2019) Improving EFL Students’ Pronunciation through Self-Made Video (A study at Department of English Language Education UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh). Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
Miftahul Jannah, 140203010 (2018) The Struggle for “Family Existence” An Analysis of Little Women: A Novel by Louisa May Alcott. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
Saman, Muhammad Nasir (2016) Desire in the Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison: A Lacanian Psychology Analysis. In: The 1st English Education International Conference, 12-13 November 2016, Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh.
Saman, Muhammad Nasir (2016) The Struggle for Women Education in Swat Pakistan: An Analysis of "I am Malala": A Novel By Malala Yousafzai. In: 3rd World Conference on Integration of Knowledge, 28-29 November 2016, Langkawi Malaysia.
Syarifah Miftahul Jannah, 180203205 (2023) Using TED Talks Videos to Fasilitate Listening Comprehension (A Study at the Department of English of UIN Ar-Raniry). Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
Zuhratunnasihin, 200203015 (2025) The Perceived Effects of Teaching Practicum on Teacher Identity Development: EFL Students’ Experiences. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-raniry.