Correspondencing Artikel Jurnal Ulumuna

Abdul Wahid, 2029097205 (2024) Correspondencing Artikel Jurnal Ulumuna. Perpustakaan UIN Ar-Raniry. (Unpublished)

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Sexual violence continues to happen in different places and
cannot be dealt with well. The rise in the rate of sexual violence from year to year is thought to be related to the state of education. So, many things about education need to be fixed to stop acts of sexual violence that have long-term effects. Handling cases of sexual violence is insufficient for punishing perpetrators because victims who have
experienced violence cannot return to normal in their physical, psychological, or future conditions. More research, particularly on hadiths related to the prevention of sexual violence behavior, is required. In Islam, various strategies have been set up that are considered capable of saving the younger generation from sexual violence. Therefore, this article aims to present traditions related to efforts to prevent the prevalence of sexual violence in society. This study used a qualitative approach with a literature review model, and the data was analyzed using the fiqhul hadith approach. This approach is a method of understanding and interpreting Islamic jurisprudence
based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. The study discovers various strategies promoted by hadith to prevent sexual violence, such as managing the views of men's and women's genitals; managing educational institutions and gathering places that are separate for men and women; and promoting youth awareness to marry if they already
have the ability to do so.

Item Type: Other
Subjects: 200 Religion (Agama) > 297 Islam > 2X2 Hadis dan ilmu yang berkaitan
200 Religion (Agama) > 297 Islam > 2X2 Hadis dan ilmu yang berkaitan > 2X2.3 Kumpulan Hadis Menurut Bidang Tertentu
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat > S1 Ilmu Aqidah
Depositing User: Mr abdulwahid arsyad
Date Deposited: 11 Sep 2024 03:58
Last Modified: 11 Sep 2024 03:58

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