Items where Subject is "423 Kamus bahasa inggris baku"
- Dewey Decimal Classification (6)
- 400 Languages (Bahasa) (6)
- 420 English and Old English, Anglo-Saxon (Bahasa Inggris, Anglo-Saxon) (6)
- 423 Kamus bahasa inggris baku (6)
- 420 English and Old English, Anglo-Saxon (Bahasa Inggris, Anglo-Saxon) (6)
- 400 Languages (Bahasa) (6)
Abdul Wahid, AW (2016) Buku Pintar dalam Empat Bahasa; Inggris, Arab, Indonesia, Melayu. Searfiqh, Banda Aceh. ISBN 907-602-1027-17-2
Ilham Ary Maoelana, 170203006 (2021) THE ANALYSIS OF INFLECTIONAL AND DERIVATIONAL MORPHEMES IN ROBERT FROST’S POETRY. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
M. Haekal Akbar, 190203094 (2024) Vocabulary Learning strategies used by Male and Female Student at Islamic Boarding School. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
Nasrullah, 140203098 (2020) An Analysis on Student Tendencies in Using Non-academic Vocabulary in English Academic Writing. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
Putri Inayatsyah, 140203268 (2020) The Stages of Concern on Using Discovery Learning in Teaching English at Senior High School. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry.
Suci Ramadhani, 160203020 (2020) An Analysis of the Implementation of Audio Lingual Method in Contemporary EFL Teaching Context. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry.