Items where Subject is "428 Pemakaian bahasa inggris baku"

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Number of items at this level: 44.


Habiburrahim, 2006087207 (2020) Understanding Students' Self_Management Skills at State Islamic University. The Qualitative Report. (Submitted)

Jarjani Usman, 2012087205 (2021) Behind the Trend of Englishing the Business Names in Aceh, Indonesia: A Postcolonial Analysis. Englisia: Journal of Language, Education and Humanities, 8 (2). pp. 16-30. ISSN ISSN-P 2339-2576 ISSN-E 2527-6484

Safrul Muluk, 2001027302 (2016) Analysis of Online study and face-to face classroom instructions in current educational context in Indonesia. 1st Annual International Seminar on Education. pp. 15-19. ISSN 978-602-18962-6-6

Safrul Muluk, 2001027302 (2020) The Effects of Anxiety toward Acehnese Students' English Speaking Ability. The Qualitative Report, 25 (1): 15. pp. 254-270.


Safrul Muluk, 2001027302 and Luthfi Aunie, 2018116001 (2019) English for Islamic Studies: English for Sophomore. Darussalam Publishing, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-602-71602-9-3


Ayu Gemasih, 231324191 (2018) An analysis of Politeness Strategies Employed by Lecturers in Speaking Class. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Cut Rasmanidar, 200203058 (2024) Motivating Students to Speak English Through Reward and Punishment policy. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-raniry.

Dara Luthfia, 170203180 (2022) Student's Perception on Using English Podcasts In Improving Listening Skill. Diploma thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Dena Suar Deni, 160203050 (2020) EFL Students’ Strategies in Relieving Anxiety in English Speaking Performances. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Firdha Fadilla, 150203097 (2020) Exploring EFL Students’ Preparation in Taking TOEFL Test. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Furqan, 180203254 (2024) The Implementation of The Busuu Language Learning Application in Improving Students' Vocabulary Mastery. Diploma thesis, Islamic State University of Ar Raniry.

Ilham Ary Maoelana, 170203006 (2021) THE ANALYSIS OF INFLECTIONAL AND DERIVATIONAL MORPHEMES IN ROBERT FROST’S POETRY. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Indri Maulina, 231324402 (2022) An Error Analysis on Anomalous Utterances Spoken by Students of Ma'had Al-Jami'ah at Ar-Raniry State Islamic University. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Khairul Izza, 170203092 (2023) Investigating Students’ Speaking Problems in English Presentation. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Mellisa, 180203032 (2024) Using Peer Assessment in Students’ Presentation: EFL Students’ Voices. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Muhamad Febriansyah Hanan, 231324389 (2018) An Analysis of English Curriculum of a Favorite Senior High School in Aceh. Skripsi thesis, State Islamic University Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Muhammad Iqbal, 140203081 (2020) An Analysis of Students' Strategies in Answering The Listening Section of TOEFL Test (A Study at English Language Education Department of UIN Ar-Raniry). Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Mutia Nurul Makhfirah, 170203146 (2021) The Role of Smartphones in Learning English as EFL for Students of Department of English Language Education (Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh). Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Nabila Fajrina, 231222733 (2018) Students' Demotivating Factors in Learning English (A Study at Department of English Language Education). Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Nurul Faridah, 231324403 (2019) The Pride Of Using English For Shop Names In Aceh: An Analysis From The Postcolonial Semiotic Reading Perspective. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Nurul Khaira, Syamsuddin (2022) The Perceived Impact of English Week Program (EWP) on Students' Speaking Skills in Boarding School. Other thesis, UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh.

Putri Maghfirah Fonna, 231324208 (2018) Increasing students’ motivation by watching. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Raynald Pratama, 140203072 (2019) Identifying Students' Willingness to Use English Language in Boarding School. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Ridha Ikhsan, 231324243 (2018) The Students' Strategies in Learning Vocabulary of The X Year Students' at Boarding School at Aceh Besar. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Selvi Nadilla, 140203183 (2020) Analysis of Thematic Progression in Students' Writing Recount (A Study at UIN AR-Raniry). Skripsi thesis, UIN AR-Raniry.

Siti Musfirah, 140203237 (2018) Improving Students' Listening Comprehension by Teaching Connected Speech. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Sufarwitar NZ, 170203041 (2023) English Student’s Strategy in Memorizing New Vocabulary. Diploma thesis, UIN Ar-raniry.

Syarifah Mabrur Walmaqfirah, 170203186 (2023) Memorizing Vocabulary in Daily Activity to Improve Reading Skill. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Syarifah Zainura, 140203184 (2019) Students' Perception on the Use of English as a medium of Instruction. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Tia Afrida, 231222758 (2017) The Use of Oral Presentation in English Speaking Class (A Case Study at Department of English Education of UIN Ar-Raniry). Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar- Raniry Banda Aceh.

Tia Zurrahmah, 190203092 (2024) Investigating Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching English to Students’ with Special Needs. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Ulfa Zahra Afifah, 180203001 (2024) Non- English Department Students’ Attitudes towards English Learning. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Umairah Rahmati, 231324428 (2018) The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery And Students' Writing Skill. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Uti Azizah, 140203067 (2019) An Analysis of Teaching Strategies at Islamic Boarding School Pondok Madani Used on Negeri 5 Menara Movie. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Uti Azizah, 140203067 (2019) An analysis of Teaching Strategies At Islamic Boarding School Pondok Madani Used on Negeri 5 Menara Movie. Skripsi thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Acehu.

Wafa Dhina Aliyah, 180203233 (2023) Improving Students Writing Ability By Using Diary. Diploma thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Zahratul Isyarmuna, 190203106 (2024) The Willingness Of EFL Student In Using English Orally On Campus. Other thesis, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.


Faishal Zakaria, 2024108002 (2024) Understanding Public Speaking: An Introduction to Preservice English Teachers. UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh.

Safrul, Muluk (2020) Turnitin Artikel Higher Education Transformation. Safrul Muluk, Banda Aceh.

Safrul, Muluk (2020) Turnitin Artikel Language, identity, and ideology: Analysing discourse in Aceh sharia law implementation. Safrul Muluk, Banda Aceh.

Safrul, Muluk (2020) Turnitin Artikel The Effects of Anxiety Toward Acehnese Students’ English Speaking Ability. Safrul Muluk, Banda Aceh. (Unpublished)

Safrul, Muluk (2020) Turnitin Artikel The Language of Propaganda. Safrul Muluk, Banda Aceh.

Safrul Muluk, 2001027302 (2020) Turnitin Proceeding International FTK UIN Ar-Raniry 2015. Safrul Muluk, Banda Aceh. (Submitted)

Saiful Akmal, 2001038202 (2020) Peer Review Jurnal Internasional Terindeks Bereputasi Language, Identity, and Ideology: Analysing Discourse in Aceh Sharia Law Implementation. UPT Balai Bahasa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. (In Press)

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